Friday, May 27, 2005

Daily Gospel

"The best protection policy by far is to vigorously pursue winning rather than to expend most of one's energy (as most do) on avoiding defeat."

Tom Peters


frederick kambo said...

Yes!!!! To live by striving to avoid defeat is to die....To live by striving to win, well.....I don't even know. Finish that one for me please?
But isn't that so essential? To decide "to go for it"?....Just the thought of embarking on a quest makes me very very excited. And welcome to the cult of Tom Peters...we love that you are here. And we love that you have a mission(WOW!!), and we seek your help and friendship and intellect and awesome powers to help us all achieve WOW!!

Kishawi said...

Part 1: To live by striving to win is… to discover, embrace and take up your exclusively-reserved position as a universal force to be reckoned with. So incredibly essential!

And thankyou, I am loving being here (with the cult of TP). Indeed may the force be with us all. WOW! should be core!

WM said...

I like that quote. Only I like "to live by striving to live well" better, as I'm not sure what it is I want to win. But that's me--what I don't know would fill all the oceans of the world.

Kishawi said...

I have an uncle who, when greeting people, rather than ask how are you?, asks are you winning?, I think it's a great way of looking at life, regardless of whether you know what it is you want to win or not, it's that optimistic anticipation of being triumphant that gets you hyped toward reaching those goals…
For me at least :)

WM said...

oooops! I see I stomped on one of your favourite books (found it on your profile). Tell me why you like temple of my familiar? Maybe you can change my mind, although really, I think Walker crashed and burned after the Colour Purple. However, my mind is ever ready to be changed (especially since the one I have right now works in strange ways.)..

Kishawi said...

Lol. Temple of my Familiar. I liked the interconnectedness of everyone and everything. I like how she tried, perhaps too ambitiously, to create a sort of diasporic history through telling the character's lives. Indeed I believe she must be smoking the strong shit because some tangents were quite far-fetched (e.g. the lion people albino boy…im probably mixing things all up) but…I like that the book appears to be a spiritual journey for her and it's working itself out while we read it. So I guess it's an appreciation for the struggle that is the book… (And the rebellious iconoclastic nature of most of the characters is a plus)

I started reading the colour purple after and indeed it is superior in the literary sense. Still… different ways for different days.

Kishawi said...


But you know that's true about dancing— that teeth-gritting pained expression taken when the music truly ingias and you're at it like it's serious labour. Complete with hissing sounds, ahhhhs ehhhhhs, doohhhhh, wacha!

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