Monday, August 08, 2005

A Loose Psychology

Random unscientific observation leads me to the hypothesis that there people can be ushered into 4 basic categories:

The Jumpers
These people are commonly referred to as fools, exposing the inherent failures of nomenclature. These people realize that today is more important than any other day. Well- informed by the past, it determines the future. They enter into it fully present, ready to give whatever it takes and whatever they have. Recognizing that in order to get 100% you have to give at least that, they have faith that such great efforts will be duly rewarded. They remove obstacles such as fear and expectation from their path, creating much space for success. These 'fools' are the sure winners.

The Sidesteppers
Exhibiting an undiagnosed aversion to progress, these people's greatest efforts are directed towards sabotaging themselves. Always yearning for things to be better, always nipping in the bud any possibilities of that actually becoming a reality. These people see life as a treacherous trek that they must approach with extreme fear (caution is what they like to call it) if they approach it at all!

The Spring-backs
A fascinating demographic. They reek of winning yet when the ball is so positively in their court, something seems to become suddenly unscrewed, paralyzing them. From there, they are sent all the way back to square one where they reawaken, seemingly oblivious to this regression and its cause and therefore usually continue to proceed in the same manner as before (insanity is indeed defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results)! However, because the paralysis usually only affects a certain aspect of their lives, they may be perceived by the outside world to be exponentially winning. Sometimes it is not until their sunset years that the effects of paralysis and regression become apparent. Unfortunately by that time, a lot of time has been lost and it may be highly difficult to reverse or destroy the pattern.

The People with Ascension in their Legs (PALS)
A species that I have only recently observed in its full essence. Extremely intriguing for it is not yet clear to
Whether their fate is sealed or whether hope for them is actually abundant. These people are winners at
Heart. Their every action is filled with the desire to jump but they are held back, usually by the fear of reoccurrences of past disappointments. These people, unlike the Spring-backs, are usually brutally aware of what holds them back. They want to be rid of these nails through their feet but they are not quite yet sure how. Not sure of how to annihilate the fear. Next to the Jumpers, these are the most honest, open and communicative people.

(From a professed aspiring Jumper with extreme Spring-back tendencies!)


Sandman said...

so which are you?

Prousette said...

I shall admit to be a PAL interesting observation.

Kishawi said...

As I admitted towards the end of the blog...I like to think that I'm a jumper, I aspire to be a is too short not to be! BUT however, ever present a discrepancy between ideology and action..I would have to say that sometimes I am a PAL, sometimes I'm a spring-back---depends on situation, confusion level, sanity deficit....such things! How about you Sandman?

Prousette, do tell us more (wink)!

Luna said...

this psychology is not that loose...U got me with the springback..but i guess if u know ure a springback does that make u a PAL?

neha said...

:D good idea - well written, i think!

i could read more of your articles if you sign my comments book - coz i would then have a link to your blog.

Kishawi said...

@Luna, interesting question, had to ponder for a second because what you propose attempts to sense but it just seems too simple. And we all know that people can know something, believe in it yet, repeatedly behave in a way that totally belies that awareness!

So this is the thing, I think. Just acknowledging that you are a spring-back does not automatically put you in PALS status. PALS have an inertia that spring-backs miss! Now I know that sounds strange because inertia is more often than not associated with negativity. However, PALS are fans of waiting---they want to be sure and 100% confident before they make their move. Spring-backs often jump into things with one-eye closed and fingers crossed. It is therefore easy to make the same transgessions repeatedly for they do not spend enough time reassessing where they went wrong the first time. If they recognise the need to do that at all!

It follows that a halfway point between spring-back and PALS would be ideal. Agressive yet informed. Able to take the 'right' kind of risks. (If we knew how to do that, the world would be a different different transcendental place!). Jumpers innit?!

It would be interesting to dissect this spring-back condition because I think that most of us suffer from it! It would be great to hear anecdotes n theories n things...

Sandman said...

Which am I? hmmm – I’ve thought long and hard about this and I don’t fit neatly into any specific category. I noticed I have at least a characteristic from each of the groups. E.g. I realize today is more important than any other day but I’m always yearning for things to be better which I think is an important human trait. Tena I’m apparently a mwenda (by your def.) because there are certain choices I keep making but get mad when I get the same result……… kunywaring that 10th shot. But I’m also keenly aware of the things that hold me back. Maybe there should be a 5th group – all of the above.

frederick kambo said... cannot be "one" thing. There are some important things I am willing to die for and some very important things I don't care about. Am I passionate?
There are some trivialities I engage in, and some trivialities I pour the full force of my scorn upon. Am I shallow?
Maybe the point isn't who we are, but which journeys we choose to embark upon.
Maybe the bigger point is that we have the freedom to choose when to be a PAL, or a Jumper or a Spring Back. But like all freedoms, this comes with responsibilities and consequences. Are we willing to deal with them?

Miss DeeGee said...

If you cross a PAL and a'd probably get me.

Interesting observations Kishawi.