Sunday, July 24, 2005


Great artists are extremely intelligent people. It is so in history, in my experience and in my mind, as a budding rule. Great artists are purveyors of beauty (even though the subjects of their work may not necessarily be sunny, aesthetically there is visual harmony) and true beauty I believe is an extension of Truth. That ever-elusive abstract that is only ever understood through experiencing it (recognition requires no preparation, we have an in-built talent to detect it. Whether we trust and allow that intuition is another matter).

That said, often to project Truth, you are aware of it. Beautiful accidents do appear to happen but in such cases, I believe that the creator is somehow in tune with the Truth, albeit subconsciously. And intelligence is just another word for being of mind open enough to question, challenge, assimilate, deconstruct, filter and then reassemble information. That is what artists do.

They stop and breathe. They surrender to their senses allowing them to pick up sensations that most people are too busy striving to absorb. In this way they are able to find beauty in the mundane, in the horrific, in the misunderstood…seeing the God in everything. They translate these available visions in ways worthy of no other label than ingenious, allowing the numbed masses to behold more accessibly that which they had missed.

Am I presuming that art is accessible? Yes. There is also pretentious overly calculated obsequious work devoid of passion. Effusive saturation of flourishes for flourishes sake. Who decides what is art and what is not art? Who decides what art is great and what is not? You do. I can only speak for myself and thus of my own opinion. Nonetheless, I like to think that, if people are honest with themselves and not bent on trying to sound one way or another in order to impress, there is some level of universal consensus when it comes to quality. "Some level" I stress because, on the other hand, if we all had the same preferences, life would have no seasoning. So perhaps the word "quality" should be ingested with consideration to myriad different interpretations from an infinitely diverse range of voices.

Art is alive in every of our breathing moments. From the device that wakes us up to the clothes and adornments we wear to the vehicle we are transported in to the reading material we hold in front of us. Design is art. Typography (oh how I love the possibilities for play that letters and symbols afford!) is art. The way in which food is prepared and presented is art. The form, packaging, and science of products are art. The exploration of the different ways of moving, using, connecting, sharing and transcending the body, is art. The experimentation with different sounds and timbres in an infinite number of combinations and variations is surely art. The way you carry yourself, the way you move, the way you express yourself, is art. It is there for all of us, at every moment.

There is no greater satisfaction I have found than that that comes from creation. Misconception claims that only artists are creative. But artists are merely problem-solvers who favour visual, musical, theatrical, cinematic, literary (and so on) solutions. People are constantly being posed with problems and continually have to dig deep to find innovative ways to solve them. This is creation too. Creation is our gift from God, the universe and/or whatever it is that you believe in. To live and not to create, is not to live at all. It is to be an ungrateful passive bystander of an exciting and elaborate game. You have the capabilities required but are too lazy to figure out how to play.

There's this one line I've been quoting all over the place, by a certain Eastern yogi:
"Without space, creation cannot take place."

I guess that's what we need to always be aware of if we want to be in the game. The requisite of space. Everybody needs space if they are to be in touch with their Selves. Oh that so-frequently used line that releases parties from the potentially self-erasing grips of an unhealthy relationship! It originates from a real and profound place. The site where creation buds and desires nothing but to be let be.

"He who does not, in this world, follow the wheel of creation thus set in motion, is sinful in nature and indulges in sensual pleasures and lives in vain."
-from the Bhagavad Gita


Sandman said...

hmmm, food for thought. but riddle me this - it's true that you determine what art is good and what isn't. but that doesn't necessarily translate into value or greatness. just because a painting is great to me, does that immediately make it great? obviously not. so what determines greatness? when a large number of people recognize the same aesthetic value you did. so you might say I determine the true beauty of art but we consign it's greatness and value. interesting non-the-less.

Kishawi said...

"so what determines greatness? when a large number of people recognize the same aesthetic value you did."

Though it does mostly happen to be the case. Sometimes I think that it's a very dangerous thing. Because groups of people are usually a few people with insight and a mass of sheep, those 'leaders' can basically decide whatever fits their fancy knowing that there sphere of influence will guarantee their opinions be treated as gospel!

Or maybe the better question is, how do we define greatness, rather than how do we determine greatness? Or is it really the same question.

Sandman said...

you raise some interesting questions. I think we are all doomed to be mindless sheep at one point or another. just because of the scope of information that we don't have on any given topic - we have to choose to trust those with that info to prod us in the "right" direction every now and then.

greatness - I think greatness will forever be determined by numbers. you can do the most amaizing thing but unless a bunch of people decide you are great - you aren't.

Kishawi said...

Oh gosh! Are you happy with that definition? Don't you find it rather pessimistic? I'm not content to let this rest on that. So here's another one for you: WHO really determines greatness?
(and I think this still applies to the question:how do we define greatness? Any takers?)

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